Last edit on 2024-11-15
📚 Tech Stack / Environment
🚧 Framework |
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🏅 Honors and Awards
Year | Name | Rank |
2022.09 | Korean Olympiad in Informatics (National) (한국정보올림피아드) | 🥉 Bronze Award (전국 동상) |
2023.08 | National Entrepreneurship Invention Contest (전국창업발명경진대회) | 🥇 Grand Prize (대상) |
2024.06 | Vocational High School Youth Startup Idea Contest (직업계고 청년 창업아이디어 공모전) | 🥈 Excellence Award (우수상) |
2024.09 | Generative AI Utilization Competition (생성형 AI 활용 대전) | 🥇 Top Prize (최우수상) |
2024.10 | Gyeonggi Garage, Gyeonggi-Regional Digital Solutions Contest (경기창고, 경기도 디지털 솔루션 경연) | 🥇 Grand Prize (대상) |
2024.11 | KOPO Venture Start-up Item Contest (벤처창업아이템 경진대회) | 🥇 Grand Prize (대상) |
🔖 Education
Year | Name | Organizer | Link |
2023.03 ~ 2026.02 | Korea Digital Media H.S. (한국디지털미디어고등학교) | -- | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korea_Digital_Media_High_School |
2023.07 ~ 2024.02 | BoB, Next-generation security leader training program (차세대보안리더양성프로그램) | KITRI (Korea Information Technology Research Institute, 한국정보기술연구원) | https://www.kitribob.kr/ |
2024.05 ~ 2024.10 | KAST Science Mentorship Program 2024 (청소년과학영재사사) | KAST (The Korean Academy of Science and Technology, 한국과학기술한림원) | https://kast.or.kr/kr/person/teenager.php |
📫 Contact
- Email: syw0802@proton.me
- Arcademic Email: syw0802.dev@dimigo.hs.kr
- Blog: blog.sharp0802.com
🔭 Github Stats